Will you take me as I am?

I’m at the crossroads; on the highway of a dilemma
Thinking of everything yet nothing
I’m biting my nails;  sinking in an ocean of thought
My mind is ever roaming; seeking the perfect nursery

I have a question on my heart; an answer I need
A defining answer that will determine my path 
Yet something is holding me back; I’m dragging my feet
I'm scared; I fear I may not hear the sweet tune of the answer I seek

I’m nothing; I'm no one, I have no name
I hide in the dark, I wear a mask; I shy from light
I hide behind a curtain; a veil I created; a seal to bind me
I’m shy of my reflection; I’m scared of her rejection

I'm not the man of dreams; I’m not a golden athlete in the Olympics 
Am not a knight from a noble family
Nor a gentleman with a fortune to his name
Neither am I hero; a brave warrior of infinite victories

My pile of imperfections over run the Nile; I’m an adjective for every wrong
I cheated, I lied; I lied while smiling; through the skin of my teeth I lied
I had not a shred of dignity nor an iota of self-worth
Like I pirate I took anything I wanted, I burnt bridges of trust  

But in all my short comings I still wear a smile
I laugh harder; I sing with the winds; I ride the tides; I sail the seas
Not that I’m proud of who I use to be nor have I forgotten; hell no! Don’t get me wrong
My nightmares hunt; my past bites, but I wake to your smile 

I wake to your world, a forgiving world
I wake to a world where am I’m new creation; the new fire in my heart burns
Where the shackles of my past sins bind me no more; I’m free
A world of peace, a world of love, a world of warm hugs with sparkling fragrances

I’m undeserving of your gaze; unworthy of your touch
Neither am I worthy of your love; despise me for I deserve it
I have no right to your hand; no right to your heart
I shouldn’t even call out your name

Yet I crawl to you; not as filth I used to be, nor the angel I hope to be    
I come to you as a man; as who I am; a monstrous angel 
I come with all my past shortcomings and future promises laid bare
I come with a single question; will you will take me as I am?



  1. Mmmmmmm,thats awesome
    Want one abt me
    Lets see if yu ve memories of ur bff

  2. Mmmmmmm,thats awesome
    Want one abt me
    Lets see if yu ve memories of ur bff

  3. Don't worry love, our memories will be in the next one

  4. Don't worry love, our memories will be in the next one

  5. Don't worry love, our memories will be in the next one

  6. This I must say is a masterpiece. Would you like to be a co publisher on my blog? Irelateinitiative.blogspot.com

    1. Thanx Emmanuel, pls send me an email and let discus ok

  7. Dis sooo good ......may God increase ur wisdom .

  8. Very touching
    How did the person forgive himself though , time or intent ??
    Who now gives the person a sense of worth ?? His reflection or another person
    If you would answer, id be grateful


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