
Are you in middle of nowhere? Indecisive about which path to take?
Flipping a coin or tossing dice; praying to hear from the diviner?
Is something holding your thought, freezing your legs
Is there log in your way; a boulder in your tunnel
What is sinking you to the depth?

Are you waiting for a magic wand or a silky road?
Are you dreaming of the wishing star?
The deafening trumpets of Jericho maybe?
Are you scared of licking the bitter bile of defeat?
Are you scared of losing or just too lazy to move?

My dear friend, I dare you take that bold step, step into the unknown
The winds will always whisper; howling your failures, whistling your success 
Chest out, move out, speak your heart out; I dare you
Like the eye of a hurricane the stormy vultures will circle the skies
And like the opened gates of hell, a horde of troubles will rage your way

But my dear friend; in weakness find strength
In death find life, in poverty, riches; face your demons square  
I dare you; move on, march to the skies if that’s your dream
Don’t waver or give in to despair, till the farms of Hades if you have to 
If you can’t run, walk, if you can’t walk, crawl, if you can’t crawl, roll

The world of dreams belong to those who dare.
It’s a world for visionaries, I dare you, dream!
Don’t relent on your dreams, move out of your comfy zone; wake with a smile
Walk on fire if it burns, swim in ice if it bites; keep moving, keep fighting 
Scream if you have to, but scream with a dream and wake with a smile. I dare you!!!



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