Breaking Out

Breaking out

I’m tearing off my mask
Showing the sun my true face
Releasing the shy angel within
My days of hiding in the shadows are over

The world has been denied my true self
My gifts, my talents, my inventions, my ideas
All bound by unbreakable chains of fear
Sealed from seeing the light, from contributing to society

I’m breaking out of my jail; I'm breaking from this fetter
My oppressors will reign no more; I will run free forever
My fears will tumble at my sight; they will seek shelter
My world will wake to a new case: a new ruler

The baggage of my failures taunts; they're dragging me
They're scary, yes they're but I'm braver, I'm stronger; I'm breaking out
A grand adventure awaits; I need to explore the world
Make mistakes, maybe, learn from them and steer my future

My past is history, yet unforgotten 
Serving only as a guide for a better tomorrow
I’m coming out of my hellhole; I'm no longer trapped
This world will see me, my true self. I'm breaking out



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