
How can I live pure, walk in His tight shoes?
Follow His prints; aline my steps with His?
My mind is constantly searching, seeking
Wanting purification, dreaming holiness

The road is webbed, the destinations undefined
The options infinite, the whispers crowding
What do I do? Who do I listen to?
Oh! my head is exploding; sinking in thoughts

I'm in my prime, my strengths are apexing
I want the most from my timed existence
I don't want to wail tomorrow, cursing the choices of today
I want a happy tomorrow, but one question remains, HOW?

I have tried, on my own I have fought
But I'm losing my resolve, my will withers
The temptations are strongly gaining
Oh! the sweetness of the worldly pleasures

But I dream of white lenin, without a mole of dent
A book with glass leaves, a vessel without flaws
I want my steps to glitter; my words scriptured
An angel amidst; a walking perfection

But the question remains, HOW?
How do I resist the devil; his tempting promise?
How do I block the voices; focuse on the One?
I desire to live pure; in spirit, in flesh, in thought, but HOW?

My strengths will fail, my intelligence, absolute nonesense
My back will break if I rely on my strengths
I need help, I need guidance, I need His hand
My hope lie in His word, sheltered at his side

His words are pure, His whisper truth
He is constantly talking, teaching, guiding, inspiring
I have to listen, only to the voice of the Father
Purity can be achieved only if I live his word

Based on Psalm 119:9 


  1. That's a nice piece, but please where do we go to know the HOW?

  2. This poem is an excellent one!l look forward to read more poems about the gospel 4rm u.

    1. Thanx Eunice, the next one will be hot.... Pls subscribe ok

    2. Thanx Eunice, the next one will be hot.... Pls subscribe ok

  3. I have to build you a church buddy

    1. Hahaha, that will be interesting. Please share ok

    2. Hahaha, that will be interesting. Please share ok


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