Complicated Friendship

He laid on his back in his bed
Eyes wide open, gazing at the stars up ahead
All the while he struggled to keep his mind focused
But thoughts of her still scurried relentlessly in his head
He wondered why she was so close but yet too far to reach
As though an invisible wall had been placed between them
Too tough, too strong, almost impossible to breach
He lay there amazed at the way she smiles when listening to the corny jokes he utters as they speak
And when she laughs, a wave of warmth always washed him over from his head, down to his feet
Who is this girl he's thinking about you ask?
A very good friend, a sister, one you would hardly find or meet

She tossed and turned in her bed
Unfortunately with no stars to gaze upon up ahead
Like him, her thoughts wavered too
A night for pondering it would seem
As though by chance or even fate she also had him in her head
Initiated by a dream, she was with him in a park
They talked, they laughed, they walked around alot
And all could see the sparks of chemistry flying
All except the very two at the center of what was actually happening
She had a problem, so he found them a good spot to chat
She started and he listened, his gaze never leaving her face
A tear began  to trickle down her cheek and with haste he rushed to comfort her with an embrace
He had wiped off the tear before it could drop down her face
Heads drew closer and she felt the inevitable was in place
And there she resurfaced in her bed where it all begun
And just like that everything had been erased

Sun is finally out, and a new day is here
He's up and ready, with a lot on his mind to share
He's resolved to lay bare the contemplations of the heart in his chest
Determined and confident about what must happen next
Today wasn't exactly his first to arrive at this point
But he still set up the meeting at their usual joint
Whether this was a good idea or not he really didn't know
But staying silent with future regrets didn't seem like the right way to go
She's seeing someone and seems really happy
He's had too much girl drama but thankfully no one calling him daddy
Losing what he had with her would be equal to a heartbreak
But a deeper relationship with her would be well worth putting everything at stake
She stepped in the room with a smile that froze him in place...'hi Dee'...'hi Kay'
As she sat he smiled back as though everything was okay
She asked for ideas for a gift for her boyfriend and right there he knew where he had to stay
They talked and laughed but he never said anything that day
'Cos just as the good book says, true love never insists on its own way

Complicated Friendship
Isaac Kay


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