Thank you Mum, I Iove you

She says I was gifted from heaven
An answer to a prayer; a blessing from the most high
That drew a smile, got her singing like she was high
Made her dance from dawn till dawn

But she couldn’t be more wrong  
For I am the one who struck a pot of gold
To have you gifted to me, born to you
To experience the essence of your immortalised love

From where do I begin, which memory do I recall first?
Which hug do I ping as the warmest?
The motivation, the support, the love, OMG the food
I couldn’t list all even if I had an ocean of ink

I remember the sacrifices you made for me
Ensuring I never went to bed hungry
Stayed by my side when I was unwell, pampered me like a prince
And kissed me good night when I drifted into dreams

I’m sorry for the hell I rained on you  
I thought you were nag bug, a leech to my peace, scolded me because you could
I didn’t get it then; wish I did but now I do and I'm glad you did
I know you forgave, you forgot but I haven’t, I’m sorry for all the ills

You’ve been my number one fun, my bedrock, the fountain of my inspiration
You’ve got my back so I don’t look to my six, I match on
Believed in my potential even when it was only a transient flavour
Inspired me to reach heights fairies couldn’t dream in fantasies

My eyes are filled with tears, not of sadness, not of despair  
But of admiration, of praise, of love, of respect, I salute you
Your linear virtues, your very uncompromisingly tight shoes
Sailed me this far; ferried me across the storms

Today, I am hungry for words; thirsty for songs
I’m itching for the perfect way to say “I love you mum, you rock”
I didn’t earn your love; you offered it unconditionally  
You are the best, you rock, I'm privileged, happy mother’s day

Dedicated to my loving mum, Mrs. Georgina Annan aka Ma Kukua and to all women. 



  1. This is awesome. Such a beautiful n inspiring poem dedicated to de best people on this earth, mums! Very lovely. Thumbs up!

  2. Great piece Nana
    Happy mothers day to all mothers

    1. Thanx and Happy mothers day to all women

    2. Thanx and Happy mothers day to all women

  3. Nice one bro!! Ma Kukua must feel real lucky to have you

  4. Eish Emma making mama very proud. Loving the piece dear, keep it up

    1. I'm glad you like it. Will do my best. Expect an explosion

  5. Woow!Action they say speak louder than words but this time the words are rather speaking more than the this piece!

    1. Women are special, mothers are angels on earth. I'm glad u like it Eunice

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