A madman in these streets

My clothes are tattered; my tongue dry
I walk the street; I roam the nights; I talk myself to sleep
I kiss the dirt; I dine with the swine
My journey never ends; my story ever unfolding

I’m a madman in these streets, a man without a name
A soldier without a home fighting for an invisible cause 
I stalk the flies; I clap my hands hoping to catch the skies
I dance to the winds; I love this melody

I gaze the noon sun; my eyes burn but I am not bothered
I have no shoes, no comfort, no shelter just a beating heart 
My home is on the road, the moon my pillow
The nights chilly breeze my blanket, I feel the cold within

The world thinks me a nut case, a mad man
Without a shred of dignity; without a penny to my name 
My make believe valuables laid bare for the world to see
My back scorched by the itching laughter of passing children

Don’t judge me before you hear my story; before you live my life
You only see a mad man; but I see a desperate man in the mirror
A man trying to find his feet, battling the elements
Trying to find a reason not to give up; trying to make it in life

I'm mad to all who can’t sync with to my wave
I'm mad to all who don’t feel the love in my heart
I'm mad to all who can’t hear the music in my ear
I'm mad to all who don’t share my dream

I may be a madman today; a madman in this strange lands
A madman willing to dive into the filth; without an iota of dignity
A madman desperate to survive, struggling to understand the whistling sounds
I may be a madman in these streets but am a madman with an ambition

No doubt I’m filthy today; tomorrow I will sparkle with shinning smiles 
I see a sane tomorrow; I see a future with open arms and warm hugs
I see a tomorrow where my insanity is embraced by all
I see the world waking to my dreams; I see a sane tomorrow     


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