Call me CrAzY!!!

I’m losing my mind but I still wearing a smile
I’m drowning in the Nile but I’m still singing high
I’m naked in the blizzard but I’m still warm
The volcanos are erupting but I can’t be bothered

My heart is in the right place, my soul in the right vault
I have a sizeable quantity of masked troubles
But my blessings cannot be listed
My eyes sing with joy, my heart smile with laughter 

Call me crazy in these rocky times
I have more reasons to weep
A millions troubles to break down and cry like a baby 
But I’m still wearing a smile, happier than ever 

My blessings eclipse the noon sun
Like water they do not struggle to flow
Their shine is  not concealable
And they scream louder than the thunderous storms

I have a reason to smile in winter
I have a reason to waltz on burning coal
I have a stronger reason to burst my heart open
I have a reason to watch the stars; to touch fireflies

Call me crazy but I ain’t the least bothered
Your words don’t tickle, itch nor bite
I have life, I have tomorrow, I have another go
Call me crazy but I’m singing my heart out, am dancing on thorns



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