
I have always been there
From genesis, I have been the shoulder
The silent donkey that never tires, never brays 
Yet never appreciated, never looked at

I have watched, believe me, I have lived your every moment
Every sorry excuse, every ridiculous lie told
I have watched as they danced in and stormed out
Flirting with your emotions, shutting your smile

Always been your shoulder, the only shoulder
The living wipe to your never drying tears
My handkerchiefs, soaked, my throat, dried from consoling you
I'm always there to say, "don't worry dearie, you will be fine"

I have loved you in secret, dreamed of you with my eyes open
Longed to make you feel like a woman and not a sex doll
Wishing I could light up that drooping face
Make nature jealous of my dreamed happiness

But my feelings don't really matter, do they?
I'm always going to be that friend who holds your hair while you puke
Make your soup in the morning  after your hangover
And dresses you up, chooses the colours, for your next date

Am I not good enough, not man enough, what is wrong with me?
Tell me please, I need to know why you look through me and not at me
Why I'm forever zoned in your friendship prism
Jailed for life in this glass prison, tell me please, please tell me

My heart is stained in your bleeding love
Its squeezes my chest and my feelings drip in tone
Wishing only to find its home in yours
So please tell me again, why am I the zone?



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