A world of Pain

This world cries; she screams in agonising pain
She weeps without end; her tears flows like the four rivers of Eden
Pain and vengeful sorrow stalk her children; cruelty rains on them
She bleeds in pain, her nose is runny and her tears are blood

What is happening to my beautiful home?
What is happening to the paradise our fore father’s left?
What manner of evil has flooded my streets, corrupted my brothers?
When will the pain and sorrows seize, when shall we laugh again?

The streets are cruel and dark; ever stalked by scavengers and owls
Poor orphans walk the streets, dinning on the cramps ferried by the winds
Chilly cold nights shelter head potters; with plastic sheets as cover cloths 
At the mercy of the elements; at the mercy of miscreants; at the mercy rain and dew

The earth cries, she screams in agonising pain
Miners digging the earth, scratching her eyes; bleeding her for gold
Polluting the waters; turning my crystal clear rivers into filthy muddy streams  
Poachers kill without mercy, they burn the forests, tuning farmlands into barren heaps of sands

The poor and ordinary cry out, seeking only a drop of honey or milk
To quench their thirst, to cool their hot throats; they pray
But the fat politicians are sucking her dry; their glutton bellies filled with their sweat   
They are fat on the sweats and blood of the poor; deaf to their cries they suck on

The flags of bribery and corruption soar high; and we hoist them with pride
Fat envelops exchange hands by the hour; binding the hands of law and justice 
Profit from your work, they say, temper justice with mercy, they preach
Forgetting then pain and suffering we cause  innocent people

My world is in pain, she cries  unheard, she weeps for freedom and justice
The core values on which our world stood yesteryears 
Like fools we’ve set our world on fire and we are trapped in it
Alas we all burn; we all sink with her, hand in hand we all fall

From where shall we find the icy fountain; the sacred waters that will bath her clean
Will anyone hear her screams; will a hero rise from these ashes, I pray; alas we burn
We are the heroes; you and I are the ones that can wipe her tears and cloth her in kente
So my brothers and sisters; listen to the cries of this world; heed her warning and let us build a world of love

By JayOach


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