
It seems like a distant yesterday
No, more like a dream chipping away
Pale or blur, I can’t even say
Back and forth, my memories sway 

The smiles of us young
The whistles of winds sung
As we sailed through time 
Our hearts filled with joy though without a dime

The feel of your warmth
Over the horizon, your smile kept me charmed
Life in its simplest form
Yet heaven to me, my heart was calm 

How could I forget
The rhythm of your heart touching mine 
The home I saw in you
The pure fragrance of love, now I’m full of regret

How did my mind fray? What was the genesis?
Was it the unsaid hello?
The little white lie? How did I miss this?
Oh, my brain is made of hay

You were my treasure, my goddess
I dined with swine, forgave regardless
But your heart could only take so much
I wish I remembered sooner; I wish I could see that smile once more

#JayOach  #Pharmpoet


  1. That seems like one big sad story. Hope she gets to read this and change the tenses from the past to the future tense.

    It's TRUE with love what you have written but well we break yet make new ones. Forgiving is just overwhelmingly hard

    1. Thanx boss. I hope we all relate and value what we have


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