Look UP!!!

The clouds are lifting, the winds are whistling 
The sun will smile; her gaze will touch us once more
Filling the void within
Bridging life with untamed happiness

You may be down, crawling in the mud 
Trampled by an avalanche from hell  
Drowning in sorrow, hoping to be claimed by Hades
But my dear friend, I bid you, look up!

The past will haunt; it will try to enslave
Reminding you of failures, your grave mistakes  
Dragging you into darkness, sinking the last glimmer   
But my brother, my sister, I pray you, look up!

You may be at the bottom of the pit, spat on, despised, humiliated   
But I pray you, chin up; fight! Face your demons square
When you are down, the only way left is up
Hope is coming, look to the skies; look up!

The last beacon may be dying, despair looking friendly
Your beautiful dreams turned into dusty nightmares
Sucking the life out of you, darkening your heart, waking the monster within  
But in everything, in pained misgivings; I beseech you, look up!

From where shall our help come from?
Who will pull us from this quick sand and set us on solid rock? 
Who will wipe our tears and infect us with smiles?
Who will welcome us with open arms and kiss us goodnight?

Our help can only come from above; look up!
Hope circles the heavens; if only you will lift your chin
He will reach out; He will free you; his hands are welcoming  
Just believe and you will find your answer; LOOK UP!!!


  1. Thanx Ike. Always look up!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Another good piece, keep it up

  4. Another good piece, keep it up

  5. Thanx Perry. Glad u liked it

  6. Thanx Patrick. I sure will. Expect an explosion

  7. It's written so well you just keep on reading. That shows that when you encourage someone it always is a continuous unending process... Reading it once more again 😊

  8. I'm glad u like it. Words like urs keep me going. Thanx


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