Black hole

Why does it hurt so much? Why does every waking moment feel like an endless torture The deafening screams of my heart is silent to all None hears me, none connects with me, none feels me I try to hold a smile but it’s a mirage, blanketing my sorrow I try to hold myself, but I’m hollow I see laughter all around me, but none with me Eyes stare but only through me They say there is light at the end of a tunnel This is no tunnel I am falling, I keep falling, deep into the abyss I keep falling Into a black hole I feel the weight of every tic, every toc My eyes are dried out, every tear drop burns My hopes dashed, my dreams, a waking nightmare The canvas of my life is blackened out My hands are stretched out Screaming for someone to reach out, anyone? Praying to the endless, crying to be pulled from this quicksand But my prayers are unheard and I’m hanging by a thread ...